Professionals Only
Autobona only allows verified businesses on our platform. We verify business licenses at signup, ensuring our users are only dealing with other professionals.
When you create an account on Autobona, you get a branded Profile Page which can be treated as your own website. When you give it to your customers, they see your retail listings. When you give it to other Autobona users, they see your wholesale listings.
Profile Page
List Quickly
Listing on Autobona is easy. You have the option to manually input the vehicles VIN, upload an image of the VIN barcode, or take a new picture of the VIN barcode. Select whether you want this to be a public listing or a private wholesale listing, then we will import the available information on it. You fill out a few more details, name your price, and create the listing.
DMS Integrations
We are integrated with DMS providers to easily import your listings. We currently support DealerCenter and DealrCloud and are continuing to add more for your convenience.
Access Real-Time Inventory
See what other dealers in your area are trying to sell in real time. When a customer comes in looking for a specific vehicle that’s not on your lot, log on to Autobona to see if you can quickly acquire one.
Buy from Tow Companies
With Towing Companies on Autobona, we enable our Dealers to have access to their inventory which would previously just be hauled off or sold privately. Now, they’ll appear directly in your feed first.
No More Transaction Fees
When you transact on Autobona, you don’t pay any transaction fees. You are the one buying
and selling vehicles so why should we get a cut? We operate solely on a fixed monthly
subscription price. You pay for access to our platform, you should keep the profits from your business.